I did a lot of research into Essential Oil companies before I landed on doTERRA. It is very important to me to have lab tested and certified oils for not only my own wellness plan, but those of my clients. Adulterated non-CPTG oils can cause so many more problems and are not as effective.
Few companies, if any other than doTERRA, will advise internal consumption of their oils. That was important to me. Third party lab testing too. You can source the lab reports on every bottle of doTERRA oil. Click HERE to try it out. When the new window opens - enter this quality ID number 1722811A - go ahead and try it. Be sure to copy quality ID number so you can paste into box at link above and go see results. This is also a great way to see the freshness of your doTERRA oils as it gives date of lab testing. Let's move on to talking about emotions. If anyone has any questions regarding doTERRA and CPTG oils feel free to e-mail me - [email protected]. So - what about emotions? How can Essential Oils/Terpenes help with emotions? Please view this video for a full explanation. You will see Terpenes mentioned! There is also full detail on how to match what oil to what emotion and why. Great information in here. Matching oils to emotions is covered in detail. Nicole Stevens presents doTERRA's Emotional Aromatherapy line.
Whew! Exciting huh?
It's VERY exciting to me, especially when I see results immediately. I had a family member experiencing anxiety before bed. I got them a roller ball of Cheer and Serenity, and advised them to start application no less than a half hour before going to bed and to keep by nightstand for re-application if necessary. I was so excited when they told me it helped immensely to chase off the anxiety, and promote good sleep. I personally use these oils myself, daily. I don't leave home without my "med box" - see below - all 10ml roller balls and the box fits perfectly in my purse. I like carrying such a variety as I can dose myself according to my needs with an oil at will. It's easy too - roll on wrists - over heart - thin skinned areas. Applying essential oils to the bottom of feet is very effective as well. I have an Oregano/Thyme blend I use on my feet regularly as a detox. My clients report successes too. Of course there is trial and error as they determine what oil works for the issue at hand. With Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) individuals many times they will pick what oil they need if they are capable. The nose knows! Many times it's a matter of letting individual choose what is appealing to them, and help them dose with it. With my ASD clients I encourage dosing to include back of neck, down entire spine, and bottoms of feet as well as thin skinned areas and pulse points. Dosing over heart also ensures inhalation of oils, getting straight to limbic system immediately. Topical application has been found to remain in a person's bloodstream 4-6 hours. With children less, as they metabolize things much quicker than adults do. Introducing Emotional Support Oils
Please read through the oil information below. As you do, think about the negative emotions experienced in you and your loved ones lives and look for how the oils counteract the negative feelings. There was a lot of research and development put into these blends utilizing scientific data on how each different individual oil counteracts negative emotions.
When I introduce these oils to my Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) clients the results are immediate, and in many cases amazing. These blends get into the bloodstream and when inhaled get straight to the limbic system. I advise ASD caregivers to let the individual being treated choose which oil is appealing to them, if they are capable, to address the emotions they are experiencing at the time. In the mornings, utilize Motivate to get going - add some Cheer or Passion to help with lethargy. When agitated Forgive and Console work well as does Serenity. Balance is good to use throughout the day. Peace is calming, and adds focus. I love them all and keep close at hand for my own use throughout the day. Stay tuned below - I offer a kit I make myself of 5ml bottles. I like my clients to have an opportunity to try before they buy. Many folks are on limited budgets and it's important to me to be frugal and help people. Details below. Take note which blends interest you as you read.
Interested? Click HERE to purchase. Please be sure you enter my Wellness Advocate ID #5000771 - for every $100 spent tied to my Wellness Advocate ID I give 1 hour consulting to help you develop your wellness protocol and mentor you through Cannabinoid therapies. If you join as a Wellness Advocate yourself we will be in close contact as it is my job to mentor you to success.
I encourage my clients to start with these oils first if they come to me and are not on any protocol - cannabinoid therapy or not. I had mentioned a kit of 5ml rollers I make myself - those are available and I have 2 additional blends I will list below. Each 5ml roller ball is $5 - you can mix and match. For those of you who want all 8 - I knock $5 off for the set. Shipping is $3.50 per order for 1-8 rollerballs. To get my 5ml kit - please send an e-mail with a shipping address to: [email protected] and put "I want oil" in the subject line. If you want individual oils and not the full set - please specify which blends in your e-mail. I will send you an invoice, and once that is paid I will ship your set to you within 24 hours of payment. US Orders only please. For out of country - please contact me and we'll figure something out. Please see information below for Balance and Serenity How To Apply - Dose
First - if you get a kit or set - do not use all oils at once. The blends are specifically designed for a certain purpose. If you apply all of them at once - WHEW! That's a LOT of signaling!
Use one at a time - and apply to various points as highlighted above. For headaches - apply the temples, front and back of neck, and a drop on hands - rub together and hold over mouth and nose for inhalation therapy. Spinal application and the feet are fantastic application points for all and advised for ASD individuals. Applying over heart also allows for aromatic and inhalation therapy. Please review the image below depicting the limbic system. It is VERY important to be utilizing CPTG oils and this diagram shows why. When diffusing and/or inhaling - those molecules go straight to your brain. I've heard other healers discuss topical application and diffusion, being more concerned about topical application and CPTG. I believe BOTH methods of application are very important to utilize the purest oils as they are immediately absorbed whether topically or diffused. I will discuss internal application in future posts. Internal application is not advised for the emotional blends. Please do not attempt.
Well - that's it for this edition. Please stay tuned as I discuss individual oils and supplements to use to help with focus and agitation. I will be addressing aggression and hormones as well in future posts.
If you like what you read, please share. If you like what you see here - please try the oils and see if they help. I've made it easy with my sample kit. Now it's up to you. If you're interested in oils and utilizing for your wellness or that of your loved one - please join me! I hope to mentor many and have more people doing what I do. Please be sure to visit doTERRA's site at www.doterra.com to learn so much more about oils - and if you decide to join - my wellness advocate ID is #5000771. Write that down for when you enroll. Enrollment required to get wholesale pricing. If you have questions or would like to see something covered - drop me an e-mail. [email protected] and please - never be afraid to pick up phone and call. 305-978-3595 Be sure to find me on Social Media too! Links below.
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Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a very complex condition. Causation is different in every individual as are the symptoms and behaviors. A personalized approach is necessary, each individual is so very different and some, very complex. Autism is one of the fastest-growing developmental disorders, affecting 1 in 68 children in the United States, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Its debilitating symptoms include impaired communication and social skills, along with compulsive and repetitive behaviors. Autism typically emerges in infancy or early childhood. Autism Spectrum Disorder is characterized by communication deficits, aberrant social behavior, and restricted and repetitive motor behaviors. In many cases, ASD symptoms are the result of reduced inhibition in the brain. For instance, genetic causes can lead to the reduced activity of inhibitory brain cell neurons, tipping the brain’s balance toward excitation. This is reflected in some as hypersensitivity to stimuli, such as to lights, odors, noises, or tactile stimuli that makes the individual act “abnormally” in social situations. Hormonal fluctuations through a typical early onset puberty don't make things any easier. Onset of puberty with it's extreme hormonal fluctuations may be a critical component regarding aggression that is found to occur more frequently and violently. This aggression may be self-injurious, or directed to others. Studies have shown that 1 in 4 children diagnosed with autism exhibit aggressive behavior, such as hitting others, destroying property or throwing temper tantrums. Aggression can be very extreme. Children with significant aggressive behavior tend to have mood and anxiety symptoms, and difficulty sleeping and paying attention. CB Receptors and the Brain's Built In Safety Mechanism ~ Why Cannabis Has Never Killed Anyone The brain is amazing, and it comes with it's own safety feature to ensure that cannabinoids cannot harm the individual. It does this in a manner of receptor deprivation. The medulla oblongata is the lower half of the brainstem. It is often referred to simply as the medulla. The medulla deals with the autonomic (involuntary) functions of breathing, heart rate, and blood pressue. There are two types of cannabinoid receptors are called CB1 and CB2. Both are found throughout the body, but are most common in the brain and immune system. The medulla oblongata has no CB1 receptors. It is important for people to understand this, as this explains why Cannabis and Hemp have never killed anyone in history. It cannot possibly kill you if it cannot affect you. With no CB1 receptors on the medulla oblongata, there is no way to affect it and stop autonomic function. Meet The Endocannabinoid System Terpenes Welcome to terpenes! Not just cannabis terpenes - all terpenes. Terpenes surround us everyday, everywhere. Stick your nose in a rose or jasmine flower. That sweet, intoxicating smell is the essential oil, or terpene of the flower. Cannabis and Hemp have multitudes of terpenes. The terpene profile is what determines the strain of the plant. In my experience working with clients and enhancing their protocols with terpenes I have had great success, allowing for micro-dosing of cannabinoids as the terpenes act as signalers, a type of GPS system for the Endocannabinoid System. In utilizing a vast array of terpenes and understanding how they work in the Essential Oil world, we develop the capability to dial in treatment and focus on problem areas. As every individual is so different, it is trial and error to determine protocol, and even post determination caregivers must be adaptable to changing routine based on individuals emotional well being for the day. The terpenes can be applied completely separately from the cannabinoid therapy in something as simple as a roller ball for topical application and affect the limbic system as well as the endocannabinoid system. When I studied the brain in College I was fascinated by the limbic system and it's capabilities. As I progressed with my consulting for Cannabis patients over the years it was easy to see the connection between the cannabinoids, limbic system, and now, terpenes. Over the years, I have helped many patients choose their medicine. In Colorado my clients had fantastic access - multitudes of strains. They ALWAYS stuck their nose in a jar to pick their medicine as full flower was prevalent. Not one of those clients spent a dime on something that didn't smell good to them. Their nose picked their meds. If you think about it - the nose is really the only way the Endocannabinoid System has to communicate it's needs immediately. When those clients found the strain that smelled appealing to them - they typically had a drool response. It is my belief that the body is saying "Yup! That's the one! I need that!" when the terpene profile makes a person drool. This excites the amygdala resulting in a pleasure response. This is just the beginning of what I plan to share. I've been working with the autistic since I was 18 - my first job with them in an assisted living group home before I even went to college. I have always been fascinated by spectrum children and adults. I've always wanted to help connect the dots and make their lives better. It is my intent what I share here will help. I would also like to offer my services. Consulting is available, and when folks source their Terpenes and CBD products through me, I counsel them through treatment. It is very frustrating to me to see so many people jump on the train to health and not have assistance. Cannabinoid and Terpene Medicine is very new to people - they NEED HELP. That's where I guess I'm different. I believe we need so many more people doing what I'm doing to help people, and I'm willing to help you. There's only one of me, and I cannot clone myself unfortunately. Healers, please come forward! If you like what you see, please share with folks of like mind. My wish is to find comfort for Spectrum individuals and their families. As many as we can out there. We can do that with a protocol of oils and the proper therapies. Over time I will be sharing oils and information regarding terpene enhancing protocols for many conditions. I specialize in ASD but work with clients with multitudes of conditions as well as chronic pain. Be sure to subscribe below - and for gosh sake please don't ever be afraid to reach out or call. I realize this is all very new to people. We need so much more research. Even the scientists are all still learning. My hope is that we continue to learn together. Families working together for what's best for their loved ones. A think tank of information to share far and wide in the best interest of our loved ones. Hiedi Handford My Medicine Consulting Terpene Healer 305-978-3595 [email protected] Follow us on Facebook My Medicine Consulting Terpene Healer |
Welcome!We hope you enjoy our Terpene talks! We've been fascinated by them for a long time now. Categories |